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    Caffe Strada had its beginnings from a lovely, little espresso cart on the streets of New York City. Our goal was to deliver the finest quality coffees from around the world. The response was immediate, with the morning commuters lining up as soon as they saw the cart arriving on the corner.

   Soon after, Caffe Strada opened two shops for the commuters. One in Grand Central Station and another as an outdoor cafe on Fifth Avenue. Demand for our specialty coffees continued to grow, and in 1990 Caffe Strada began to offer our full line of estate grown coffees for retailers across the country. In the years since, Caffe Strada has remained true to the goals since its inception: to provide the highest quality coffees available anywhere.

Caffe Strada Espresso Cart NYC

    Today, Caffe Strada coffees are roasted in Buffalo, Minnesota.

Our facility features efficient, state-of-the-art equipment. This includes our brand new Loring S70 (70 kilo) coffee roaster, which remains the finest way to roast coffee. Our roaster allows

us to involve multiple senses the eyes, ears and nose, throughout

the entire roasting process. This is crucially important because 

every coffee has a different hardness and moisture content. Therefore, our roast master needs to be able to constantly check

the coffee throughout the roasting process.

       An average coffee roasting cycle is about 12 minutes in length,

so each minute is crucial in drawing out the the finest

characteristics or peak flavors of each coffee, and when the peak is achieved, the coffee is immediately released into the cooling

tray and shortly thereafter ready for packaging and purchase. 

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